Friday, June 6, 2014

Stromboli and more.

We have but a couple of days before villagers come to Waldsee.  At the suggestion of one the counsels, I and my staff made Stromboli.  With it we served zucchini, salad and for dessert I made Zabaione with chocolate chip biscotti made by our bakers.
The Stromboli pre-cut.

Ready to go.

Zucchini half moons saute with care.

Always have salad.

Nina, I wish you were here to have this.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Lovely Day with an Italian Weekend

I am tired and happy.  These photos well speak for me.
A small breakfast
Maranade for the chicken
Best Friends
Shrimp and Pasta!
Devil Chicken, Green beans, Spinach Salad and Ciabatta


Pork roast with provolone and sage, potato and broccoli
and these guys...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Baking Some Italian Bread.

Today I had some extra time to try making a couple of breads.  Both were from Italy and need a starter.

First I made a bread from north Italy, Ciabatta! It was made with a two day biga (a dough starter).  It turned out pretty good, but I need to make some more adjustments.
I finally got a working camera again, hence the update.
I made a bread southern Italy as well, Pane Siciliano!  It was made with a different starter of pate fermentee that was also made two days ago.  It is made with some durum wheat flour, shaped into neat "S" loaves, and a sprinkling a sesame seeds on top.
"Esse Bread"?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cooking at Home: Barley and Hot Dog Stew

A couple nights I made a real yummy stew for myself that I thought would share it with you all.
I made it up as I went along, but it turn out well. Here is what I made:

All the major ingredients
1 red potato chopped
1 blue potato chopped
1 green pepper chopped
1 clove of garlic crush
2 natural casing hot dogs ( I used all beef)
1 tomato chopped
1 cup of red wine
1 teaspoon of marjoram
2 tablespoons of basil
2 tablespoons of oregano
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup barley
2 cup beef broth

First you want to saute the potatoes, pepper, and garlic in a little oil. Once the peppers softens a bit add the hot dogs and cook for about 5 more minutes stirring it once in a while.
Tomato and Wine
Add Hot Dog!
Pepper, Potatoes and Garlic
Then add the tomatoes, spices and wine.
Let it cook for a couple of minutes then add the beef broth and barley, add water to cover with about a half inch of liquid if need.
Bring to a boil then turn down to a simmer.
 Simmer for about a hour.  Serve it hot.
Ready to serve.

Add time to eat!
This recipe can be changed easily enough to suit your own tastes.  Have fun and well.

I got my hot dogs from Downtown Meats and the vegetables from Farmer's Market in Bemidji.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Flag Banquet

Some time authenticity takes a back seat to something fun.  This menu meal was base on  the colors of the Italian flag.  Green, white, and green.

First course was Bucatini with Red Sauce, White Sauce, and Pesto.
There I am.
Then we had a dish I called Chicken Caprisese.  Also Roasted Peppers with Zucchini and Onions and a Salad with Onions and Tomatoes.

And for dessert Chocolate Cups of Green, White and Red.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Little Orange Balls and More!

Today's lunch was a big success!  It was planned by Lena, one of my cooks, and a bit more work then most of our lunches.
We had Rice Ball for a first course.
 I had to deep fry then in a army pan.

Second course was Zucchini Salad and Eggplant Parmesan
 Never made this salad before.

And most came back for more.

And then, for the sweet tooth, Strawberries.