Friday, June 6, 2014

Stromboli and more.

We have but a couple of days before villagers come to Waldsee.  At the suggestion of one the counsels, I and my staff made Stromboli.  With it we served zucchini, salad and for dessert I made Zabaione with chocolate chip biscotti made by our bakers.
The Stromboli pre-cut.

Ready to go.

Zucchini half moons saute with care.

Always have salad.

Nina, I wish you were here to have this.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Lovely Day with an Italian Weekend

I am tired and happy.  These photos well speak for me.
A small breakfast
Maranade for the chicken
Best Friends
Shrimp and Pasta!
Devil Chicken, Green beans, Spinach Salad and Ciabatta


Pork roast with provolone and sage, potato and broccoli
and these guys...

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Baking Some Italian Bread.

Today I had some extra time to try making a couple of breads.  Both were from Italy and need a starter.

First I made a bread from north Italy, Ciabatta! It was made with a two day biga (a dough starter).  It turned out pretty good, but I need to make some more adjustments.
I finally got a working camera again, hence the update.
I made a bread southern Italy as well, Pane Siciliano!  It was made with a different starter of pate fermentee that was also made two days ago.  It is made with some durum wheat flour, shaped into neat "S" loaves, and a sprinkling a sesame seeds on top.
"Esse Bread"?